2010年10月11日 星期一

CAT SHIT ONE(越戰狂想曲or貓屎一號)

    Cat Shit One (簡稱CSO,有翻譯成越戰狂想曲和貓屎一號)是日本軍事漫畫家-小林源文的筆下作品之一.整體故事是以越戰為背景,而且人物根據民族和國家以不同的動物作為代表.主要描述冷戰時期,西方資本主義與蔓延中的共產主義之間的鬥爭,並以代表美國的兔子為主角,描述美軍在戰爭中所遭遇的狀況。故事內容除了確實地按照歷史走向之外,也寫實的描繪了武器以及角色個性,是部隊中頗為流傳的漫畫。

     Cat Shit One是小隊代號,為何要用貓呢?因為在越戰故事中,作者用貓來表示越南...

  • 美國人:兔子,有黑有白。
  • 越南人:貓,包括美國虎斑短毛貓、暹羅貓、其它米克斯貓等
  • 法國人:豬
  • 中國人:熊貓
  • 日本人:猩猩或猴子
  • 韓國人:狗
  • 英國人:鼠
  • 澳洲人:袋鼠
  • 蘇聯人:熊
  • 德國人:狐狸
  • 中東人;山羊和駱駝

    在這次的動畫版「Cat Shit One-THE ANIMATED SERIES」,故事的背景移到21世紀,故事的發生地點也由越南變成了如今戰亂不斷的中東,而主角們的身份則由美國陸軍的偵查分隊變成了行動更為自由的PMC(Private Military Company)。

Packy: This is CAT SHIT ONE, CP, please answer. Over.

CP: Copy, This is CP, over.

Packy: 3 CANARIES affirmed, 10 plus armed terrorists spotted, over.

CP: Well done, CAT SHIT ONE. Be advised, reinforcements is on the way, keep watching from outside, over.

Packy: COPY.

Bota: This is a shit hole, Packy.

Packy: So…

Bota: Hell, Packy, you see that? They are being tortured!

Packy: CP, CANARIES are in danger, terrorists seems unstable, over.

Bota: Oh shit!

Packy: CP, one CANARY is killed, request immediately reinforcement, over.

CP: Reinforcements is on the way, ETA 50 minutes, over.

Packy: Situation is being worse, what about chopper? Over.

CP: Well, we will send a chopper ASAP. ETA 30 minutes, over.

Packy: Roger that. I think CANARIES cannot wait that long. I’m going in, over.

CP: What the he……

Bota: Wait, Packy. There’re 15 enemies with AK out there! That’s only we have seen! But now it’s only you and me!

Packy: So be it!

Bota: Hell we are out of reinforcements!

Packy: There are two professionals, that’s it.

Bota: Shit…

Packy: I’ll guide you on radio. Cover me from here, I’ll flank them. Don’t kill them all, left me one or two.

Bota: Shit. COPY.

Packy: Okay, let’s get the things done.

Packy: Bota, wait on my go.

Packy: I’m CMS, on your rescue. Calm down, keep quiet.

Bota: Hell……

Hostage: I thought we’ve been deserted…

Packy: Sorry for the delay. Now it’s alright,let’s go.

Hostage: Thanks!

Bota: It must be one more… RPG!!!!! HOLY SHIT!!!!!!

Packy: Bota, please answer! What’s your status?

Bota: It’s going loud! I’m under attack!!!

Packy: I’ll attract them, shift your position, keep sniping.

Packy: Bota, give me covering fire. Bota! Shit!

Bota: I’ve been doomed…

Packy: No time for this! Where the hell were you!?

Bota: You say except being chased by RPG and hell lot of terrorists?

Packy: Well well well whatever……

Bota: You don’t know how heavy this gun is…

Packy: What the hell are these things on your guns? Get rid of it!

Bota: It’s my style!

Packy: You must be crazy to carry that bundle of things to get around…

Bota: None of your business!

Packy: Don’t worry, rescue team will arrive at any time.

Packy: CP, this is CAT SHIT ONE, hostages rescued, request air support ASAP, over.

CP: Roger, CP. Be advised, Multi vehicles are heading on your site, probably enemy reinforcements, over.

Packy: Oh hell…

Bota: Shit!

CP: Be advised, chopper will land on site 1 kilometers south from your current location, move to there now, over.

Packy: We have wounded personnel, will the chopper move to our current location? Over.

CP: Negative. Enemy reinforcements will first arrive. Over.

Packy: Fuck…

CP: CAT SHIT ONE, be advised, chopper codename ANGULAR ONE, signal flare color yellow, good luck, over.

Packy: Roger.

Bota: How the hell can we move 1 kilometers south with these two wounded men?

Packy: No shit. But we will do it. Let’s go. Bota, carry the litter.

Bota: Okay.

Packy: Bowen, you the same.

Bowen: Alright.

Bota: One two, go. Packy, ready to go.

Packy: You carry them to the chopper, I stay here to delay them.

Bota: Bitch, how the hell can you do it?

Packy: These things must be done.

Bota: Hell…

Packy: No time for the delay, go! That’s an order! Remember your duty!

Bota: Yessir!

Packy: Sons of bitch…

Bota: Looks like the party started, hurry!

Bowen: OK!

Packy: Now this party is going loud…

Bota: Behind the rock! Hurry! Slow down… The chopper will arrive in a minute.

Bowen: Thanks


Packy: Motherfuckers…

Bota: Packy!

Packy: Bota, too slow for you!

Bota: I think fast enough! Packy, go!

Packy: Botasky!

Bota: You see? Ain’t no rest for the wicked!

Packy: Whatever…

Packy: Where are the CANARIES?

Bota: They have arrived. Now it’s for us to go, time is up!

Packy: Okay, go go go!

Bota: That’s one! Two! Clear!

Packy: Move!

Packy: Bota look out!

Packy: Damn!

Chopper: This is ANGULAR ONE, CAT SHIT ONE, be advised, please report your position, over.

Packy: This is CAT SHIT ONE, we are at outside site of southwest, rest are all enemies, hunt them all down, over.

Chopper: Roger, affirmative.

Packy: You see, this is angel of death…

Packy: Right now!!

Chopper: This is ANGULAR ONE, enemies retreated, over.

Packy: This is CAT SHIT ONE, thanks for the air support, over. It’s time home.

Bota: Well.

Packy: Botasky, what delay you for my rescue? Too slow!

Bota: I assume a rabbit like Packy do not need my rescue.

Packy: Well, as my partner, I don’t think it’s a clever answer.

Bota: Shit, I risked my life, now it seems a waste.

Packy: Listen, Bota. As a punishment for your delay, I will buy you a drink in Joe’s Bar tonight. That’s an order. Understand?

Bota: Wilco!

原  作:小林源文
監  督:笹原合也

≡ CAST ≡






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